Everybody eats! The question is, does everyone have a healthy relationship with their food? Definitely not!
In this world of fast-paced jobs, soccer practice, karate, meetings, and everything else, a lot of people resort to unhealthy eating habits that have the secondary problem of being costly overall.
Society doesn't do a great job of encouraging people to eat well (compare the price of a greasy cheeseburger to that of a salad from the same place) and it's easy to fall into the convenience of fast food and/or over-processed food.
The invention of services like Hello Fresh do make it a bit easier but it's still super costly to an average lower-middle income family. Despite all that, some of us still want to eat healthy! And some of us... HAVE to.
This long introduction is sort a just a rant, but I had been thinking about it due to some realisations I had recently. Aside from my sensory texture issues, in the past, I could eat pretty much anything I wanted. Now? Now I've been having some pretty bad issues with stomach and intestinal pain after eating at times. I kept dismissing it as "I ate too fast" or "I ate too much" but the more it happened...
My husband said to me last night that he thinks I've developed a food sensitivity (at least) or an allergy, so I thought I'd journal a bit about my quest to figure it out, narrow it down, and see what I can't eat anymore.
I'm curious if my somewhat increased waistline is due to bloating from food sensitivity/allergy because I don't tend to eat more than 1500 calories a day and while I don't have an exercise routine, I am fairly active...
The current candidates for culprits are: something in enriched wheat flour, folic acid, soybean oil.
I'll be keeping a food diary and will update here when I have things to update.