It has been said that this means the blustery winter weather (the lion) is still evident at the beginning of March, but gentler Spring weather (the lamb) is here by month's end. Where I live, in the Appalachian Mountains, this likely means more rain, and more rain, and more rain. I'm not complaining mind you, I LOVE the rain!
Rain can be especially healing in a number of ways both to humans and to nature. The droplets wash dirt and dust from the plants, trees, buildings, cars, and everything else that it touches, making these things clean again. It creates puddles of drinking water for small animals or replenishes ponds. When I was younger I would take every opportunity to play outside during a rainstorm, letting the water drench my clothes and body, as it was such a spiritual experience for me. My mum gave up trying to get me to stop after a time, figuring the worst that could happen is I'd get the sniffles!
I know for me, and maybe for a number of you as well, the smell of a coming rain is super relaxing. I close my eyes and inhale deeply, relishing in the scents rain brings. When I was in junior high, every rain storm (temperature permitting), I would grab my notebook and pen, head out to the detached carport and sit at the picnic table under it, writing. I wrote so many stories, and I wish I still had them to develop now into books, but they, unlike my memories of those days, were lost.
The sound of rain is also enlightening to many. I have my Google Assistant set to play rain sounds at night to sleep to. My favourite time to write is while listening to rain with the curtains open so I can see it when I look up from my keyboard (unlike many other authors I know I just can not listen to music of any kind while I write... I start to type the lyrics instead of the story!). This may be a throwback to my earlier days of good memories on the carport.
Rainwater also appears in a Ayurvedic weight loss recipe, (recipe 2) seen here: Ayruvedic Weight Loss, can be used to cleanse many of your crystals, and in some parts of the world (my part included), is still collected to be used for irrigation and cleaning.
Namaste & Latcho Drom!
I love going on the screen porch during a rain storm with a cup of coffee and the laptop and just enjoying it, including the light mist that makes it's way thru the screen to kiss my the thoughts this brought forth.