Friday, March 8, 2019

Self-care for Daylight Saving Time

For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, Spring is on the way. While the weather in some places-like where I live- doesn't reflect this (it snowed three days in a row this week EDIT: AND again overnight!), the beginning of Daylight Savings Time (Sunday March 10th this year) says otherwise. "SPRING forward" and all that.

According to, "Daylight Saving Time (DST) is the practice of setting the clocks forward one hour from standard time during the summer months, and back again in the fall, in order to make better use of natural daylight."

Benjamin Franklin first proposed the idea of DST all the way back in 1784, but the modern version was suggested in 1895. In 1916, Germany became the first country to implement DST nationwide. But, enough history...

The act of changing the clocks, in this case forward an hour can wreak havoc on people's sleep and mood. A little self-care during the transition time may help alleviate the effects. We're going to lose a whole hour of sleep. To some -like myself, who has never had anything even closely resembling a sleep pattern- this may not be a big deal... my husband on the other hand can be "off" for a week or more after. So what can you do? 

1. Go to bed an hour early on Saturday, and get up an hour earlier on Sunday (yeah, I know it's the weekend, you want to sleep in -unless you have to work- but getting up early on a day you won't get in trouble with the boss helps you adjust without jeopardizing your job). If you can't handle the whole hour, do 30 minutes early to bed, 30 minutes early to wake. Try not to nap on Sunday! (If you have time, try starting off tonight at 15-30 minutes early and get up the same amount of time early in the morning.)

2. Avoid caffeine at night, opt for a cup of soothing chamomile or mint tea, or drink water.  Turn your electronics off earlier for the transition. The artificial light can trick our minds into thinking it is earlier than it is. Instead, if safe, light a scented candle and put on some ambient music while enjoying that tea. 

3. Go all out with a therapeutic bath! (I love these!) While drinking your relaxing tea, and listening to ambient music by candlelight, why not take it a step further? Draw a warm bath and put in some lavender herb (in an organza bag if you have one to avoid having to scoop the herb out before draining the tub), lavender oil, or your favourite bath salts. Jasmine oil is also considered a great sleep scent, or if you have a personal scent that you find especially soothing, use that!

4. Even if you don't have to get up early to work or go to school, do so anyway and get some sun! Weather permitting, a brisk walk, yoga or light exercise will go a long way in getting that morning energy up and get your mind and body on the new schedule. If you have kids, get them up for a little early morning movement with you. It will help them transition better as well. Plus, sun = good for you! If you can't get out into the sun, sit near a sunny window and soak up some rays.

5. It's not all about sleep... our mood can be affected by the time change, so pamper yourself on Sunday. A mani-pedi, some dark chocolate, a day out with friends, meditation, family movie matinee with healthy snacks... whatever lifts your spirits, make it a point to do soul and psyche uplifting activities.

Great Morning Yoga Poses to get going:

The Cat-Cow Pose

 Warrior (1) Pose

 Warrior (2) Pose

Check out this article for 5 more Morning Yoga poses.

What are ways YOU help yourself transition during the Spring time change? Comment below!

Namaste & Latcho Drom!

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