Wednesday, April 10, 2019

On Vacation

...not really (on vacation). I'm producer-ing and acting in the independent film I mentioned last week so I am not here! I'm on location but should be back in full blogging swing next week.

 My Autopsy (click the film name to go to the FB page) is a ten-years-in-the-making, independent film by Holly Mollohan, my "pirate-in-crime", whom I met during bellydance classes back in 2015. The film delves into the dark subject of domestic violence, and the aftermath of it. Set in the rock music scene, it's not your typical Hallmark Channel film. It is being filmed entirely in the beautiful state of West Virginia, an oft overlooked place of lush, beautiful forests, and in the Spring when the trees are budding and flowers are beginning to bloom, a green like I'd never seen anywhere else. As producer, I was able to secure some pretty sweet locations, including the Itmann Company Store, and the Alpine Theater, both historical buildings with many stories to tell.

I signed on as producer back in June of 2018 and it's been a whirlwind of firsts for me. I'd never produced a film before (though I have acted in the past) and I have learned a LOT along the way. I also play the part of Cassie. Co-worker and zany friend of Rachel, the protagonist. Cassie is a lot like me... chakras and crystals, not much of a filter either, so I got to bring much of myself, including some of my own wardrobe into the character.

Director Holly (front left) & Director of Photography JP (front right)
discuss blocking, while I (Cassie- back left) & Gareth (Rachel- back right)
take a break from "cleaning the bathroom" waiting for the next go 'round.

This week, at the time this post goes up, we'll be half-way through our final filming session. I will update periodically with news of the film.

I can't wait to film the nightmare asylum scenes at Itmann, and can't wait to see it on the screen!

Namaste & Latcho Drom

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