Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Out Like a Lamb

Lambs are cute... and always seem to be having fun. I'd like to be a lamb more often, as I'm super busy right now! I don't know about you and what's going on in your life at the moment, but for me, my days and nights are full! I'm not only producer for an independent film (which wraps up principal photography in mid-April), but I'm also acting in the film! I'm also hustling with my husband (we do Grub Hub and others), I'm a full-time mum to two feral boys, homeschooling, writing my books, doing tarot and tea readings, lifecoaching, writing classes to teach, writing this blog, learning a language, and a number of other things at any given time. Free time? What's that?!

So, let's talk a little about ways to take care of yourself when you're super busy!

1. SLEEP! Make sure you're getting enough sleep for YOU! Different people need different amounts of sleep, but YOU know how much you need to function well. Myself, I easily get by on about five hours, maybe six. My husband on the other hand, needs eight or nine! (I've read somewhere that Gemini need more sleep... I don't know if that's true, but MY Gemini sure does!) So yes, get yourself to bed with enough time to get in your required hours of sleep every night!

2. Eat Healthy! Eating healthy meals is better all around, and you'll feel more energised!

3. Take a Bath! Not just any bath, light a candle, put on some relaxing music, light some incense and have a cup of tea. Put your favourite essential oil, or bath salts in and let the stress melt away in the warm envelope of water.

4. Pamper Yourself! Do your nails, try a new face mask... whatever makes you feel pampered. Even a small thing might be enough... you took time for yourself! YAY!

5. Ask for Help. There's no shame in asking someone to help... help you clean one day, take the kids for a couple of hours, help you cook up a week's worth of food to freeze so you can pop something in the slow cooker every day, reducing the amount of time you have to spend each night in the kitchen preparing the evening meal. I actually used to do this thing with a friend, two days a week, we'd clean. One day at my house, one day at hers. We called ourselves The Cleaning Amigas. I know, not extremely inventive, but it worked for us. I actually LIKE doing dishes... she hated it. She actually LIKED doing sweeping/mopping... I hated it, so we each did the parts we liked at each others houses, and everything ended up getting done. You may not have two days a week to exchange like that, but the point is, you can ask for help. It's really okay.

How do YOU take care of yourself during your busiest times? Comment below!

Namaste & Latcho Drom

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