Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Spring Equinox! It's HERE!

If you're more like me than you are my friend Sunna (who truly loves cold and snow), then you're likely quite ecstatic about today, the Spring Equinox! Day and night will be equal and days will then get longer, giving a summer baby like me, more bright hours to bask, and warmer nights... because I love spending dark hours outside with the Moon, gazing at the stars and dancing with the fireflies. I know I'll have to wait a bit longer for that, even with the Equinox approaching it's still in the 20's at night here, so, no basking for me quite yet. But, the promise is there!

As we transition into a new season (at least for those states that HAVE four of them -sorry California, I love ya, but you only have two), especially one which tends to perk people up, it's a great time to look at your Wellness routine and see if there's anything to add, or subtract. 

A Wellness Spring Clean if you will. 

Stress is bad for you, whatever the season, getting out and playing in some dirt after work, or on the weekend is great for stress relief! Plant some wildflowers, or other flowers, herbs, or vegetables that are hardy enough to resist the coldest Spring temps in your zone. Find your zone: HERE (If you're still a little to far from the warmer zones, try utilising a DIY mini greenhouse to get things started!) Click HERE for some super groovy up-cycle greenhouse ideas.

Meditate! Outdoors! Or Yoga! Yes! Meditation and yoga are two activities that people use to relax, to reach inside to their inner selves, or to convene with their divine. Ground yourself by doing these activities out in the grass or dirt (see what I did there?). 

Pack a picnic lunch and take the family, or a group of your friends out for a day in the park. Get that heart and adrenaline pumping with a game of frisbee, biking, or any other physical activity you and your body can handle (health problems mean you can't run for flag football? Try ring toss or cornhole!)

Spring is a great time to try out some fruit infused water, many of these can be used to do a Spring Detox, others just taste good, but at the same time offer something better than juice or soda... I can't wait to make watermelon mint infused water, as soon as it's warm enough for my poor over-wintering mint to come back up! Wellness Mama has some great recipes to try!

Ah yes, the dreaded one... CLEAN! Clean, de-clutter, and organise! This may seem like the least fun of the list so far, but doing these things can go a long way for your overall wellness. Clean, uncluttered, organised spaces just FEEL and FLOW better, which in turn can affect mood positively. Throw open those castle curtains, open a window, put on your favourite tunes, light a soft or floral incense and make your space sing! Go through closets and donate items that no longer fit you/your vibe, rearrange and organise. It took me a LONG time to get this (and I admit, I still struggle at times). Clutter is so out this year (and every year), find a spot for it, or maybe... just maybe... you don't need it anymore.

After all that cleaning, treat yourself to a nice herbal and salts bath, or, if you can afford it, a spa day!

What are YOUR favourite ways to welcome Spring? Comment below!

Namaste & Latcho Drom!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Crimson [&] Clover

Crimson and Clover was one of my favourite songs as a child. I spent a lot of time listening to it on 45 with the help of my Hollie Hobbie record player. I used to wonder why my mother, such a straight laced lady would have this somewhat psychedelic sounding record in her collection of mostly Jim Croce, Captain and Tenille, and Neil Sedaka. I never did figure that out. 

St. Patrick's Day is approaching and one of the big icons we see is the four leaf clover. I've never found one, but what I do have is a yard full of red clover (Trifolium pratense).
This flowering plant may be considered a weed by many, but it has some super awesome health benefits! All of this information can be found in numerous places on the internet, so ALWAYS do your own research into the best ways to use red clover (or any herb) and remember, too much of a good thing can be bad! 

CONSULT your health practitioner before beginning any kind of treatment, including herbal.

Red clover can help maintain estrogen levels in women, reducing mood swings, menstrual pain, and hormonal shifts. The leaves of the red clover contain Vitamin C. You can make a tea with them to boost your immune system, which can also help prevent infections. Red Clover tea can help reduce hypertension and improve blood circulation. It reduces inflammation, including in the blood vessels, which can help those with cardiovascular difficulties.

Red clover leaf tea contains antioxidants. Antioxidants can neutralize the cause of degenerative diseases. It can help detoxify with it diuretic properties, helping rid your body of excess water and toxins. There are even more health benefits than those I mention here.

What is YOUR favourite health benefit of Red Clover? Sound off in the comments! 

Namaste & Latcho Drom!

Friday, March 8, 2019

Self-care for Daylight Saving Time

For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, Spring is on the way. While the weather in some places-like where I live- doesn't reflect this (it snowed three days in a row this week EDIT: AND again overnight!), the beginning of Daylight Savings Time (Sunday March 10th this year) says otherwise. "SPRING forward" and all that.

According to, "Daylight Saving Time (DST) is the practice of setting the clocks forward one hour from standard time during the summer months, and back again in the fall, in order to make better use of natural daylight."

Benjamin Franklin first proposed the idea of DST all the way back in 1784, but the modern version was suggested in 1895. In 1916, Germany became the first country to implement DST nationwide. But, enough history...

The act of changing the clocks, in this case forward an hour can wreak havoc on people's sleep and mood. A little self-care during the transition time may help alleviate the effects. We're going to lose a whole hour of sleep. To some -like myself, who has never had anything even closely resembling a sleep pattern- this may not be a big deal... my husband on the other hand can be "off" for a week or more after. So what can you do? 

1. Go to bed an hour early on Saturday, and get up an hour earlier on Sunday (yeah, I know it's the weekend, you want to sleep in -unless you have to work- but getting up early on a day you won't get in trouble with the boss helps you adjust without jeopardizing your job). If you can't handle the whole hour, do 30 minutes early to bed, 30 minutes early to wake. Try not to nap on Sunday! (If you have time, try starting off tonight at 15-30 minutes early and get up the same amount of time early in the morning.)

2. Avoid caffeine at night, opt for a cup of soothing chamomile or mint tea, or drink water.  Turn your electronics off earlier for the transition. The artificial light can trick our minds into thinking it is earlier than it is. Instead, if safe, light a scented candle and put on some ambient music while enjoying that tea. 

3. Go all out with a therapeutic bath! (I love these!) While drinking your relaxing tea, and listening to ambient music by candlelight, why not take it a step further? Draw a warm bath and put in some lavender herb (in an organza bag if you have one to avoid having to scoop the herb out before draining the tub), lavender oil, or your favourite bath salts. Jasmine oil is also considered a great sleep scent, or if you have a personal scent that you find especially soothing, use that!

4. Even if you don't have to get up early to work or go to school, do so anyway and get some sun! Weather permitting, a brisk walk, yoga or light exercise will go a long way in getting that morning energy up and get your mind and body on the new schedule. If you have kids, get them up for a little early morning movement with you. It will help them transition better as well. Plus, sun = good for you! If you can't get out into the sun, sit near a sunny window and soak up some rays.

5. It's not all about sleep... our mood can be affected by the time change, so pamper yourself on Sunday. A mani-pedi, some dark chocolate, a day out with friends, meditation, family movie matinee with healthy snacks... whatever lifts your spirits, make it a point to do soul and psyche uplifting activities.

Great Morning Yoga Poses to get going:

The Cat-Cow Pose

 Warrior (1) Pose

 Warrior (2) Pose

Check out this article for 5 more Morning Yoga poses.

What are ways YOU help yourself transition during the Spring time change? Comment below!

Namaste & Latcho Drom!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

In the Spotlight #1

Some friends and I were talking the other night about using stones and oils to bring money into one's life. The three of us must have exchanged about 2537 messages (ok, I'm exaggerating a bit!), but since I was looking for my first In the Spotlight topic, it seemed fortuitous that we did and I now had it!

Green stones are often used to represent money, prosperity, fortune, and luck. They are used to bring in business customers, luck in gambling or games of chance, or to draw money and prosperity.

The In the Spotlight item today is:

Green Aventurine

Sometimes called Indian jade, or the stone of heaven, green aventurine is considered the luckiest stone for use while playing games of chance and is used in general to bring money and good fortune. 
To bring money/fortune into your life, consider anointing a green aventurine with money oil while focusing on your needs, a new business idea, or a money-making inspiration. Then place and carry it in a small green charm bag in your purse, wallet, or pocket.

This versatile stone isn't just for money, fortune, and gamblers though! Oh no! It is said that this gem can bring about psychic dreams and increase clairvoyance, it can help with focus on schoolwork and mental perception, helps reduce carelessness, can instill belief in the talents one possesses... it can be used to calm certain forms of anxiety and can be used as a fertility stone.

Symbolic Associations of Green Aventurine: 
Zodiac: Gemini
Planet: Mercury
Element: Earth
Chakra: Heart (Anahata)

What do YOU use green aventurine for? 
What is YOUR favourite money-drawing stone?
Comment below!

Namaste & Latcho Drom

Friday, March 1, 2019

In Like a Lion

Here we are, March 1. There's an old saying that goes: [March] comes in like a lion, goes out like a lamb. One of the earliest citations of this saying is found in Thomas Fuller's compendium of 1732 Gnomologia: Adagies and Proverbs; Wise Sentences and Witty Sayings, Ancient and Modern, Foreign and British.

It has been said that this means the blustery winter weather (the lion) is still evident at the beginning of March, but gentler Spring weather (the lamb) is here by month's end. Where I live, in the Appalachian Mountains, this likely means more rain, and more rain, and more rain. I'm not complaining mind you, I LOVE the rain!

Rain can be especially healing in a number of ways both to humans and to nature. The droplets wash dirt and dust from the plants, trees, buildings, cars, and everything else that it touches, making these things clean again.  It creates puddles of drinking water for small animals or replenishes ponds. When I was younger I would take every opportunity to play outside during a rainstorm, letting the water drench my clothes and body, as it was such a spiritual experience for me. My mum gave up trying to get me to stop after a time, figuring the worst that could happen is I'd get the sniffles!

I know for me, and maybe for a number of you as well, the smell of a coming rain is super relaxing. I close my eyes and inhale deeply, relishing in the scents rain brings. When I was in junior high, every rain storm (temperature permitting), I would grab my notebook and pen, head out to the detached carport and sit at the picnic table under it, writing. I wrote so many stories, and I wish I still had them to develop now into books, but they, unlike my memories of those days, were lost.

The sound of rain is also enlightening to many. I have my Google Assistant set to play rain sounds at night to sleep to. My favourite time to write is while listening to rain with the curtains open so I can see it when I look up from my keyboard (unlike many other authors I know I just can not listen to music of any kind while I write... I start to type the lyrics instead of the story!). This may be a throwback to my earlier days of good memories on the carport. 

Rainwater also appears in a Ayurvedic weight loss recipe, (recipe 2) seen here: Ayruvedic Weight Loss, can be used to cleanse many of your crystals, and in some parts of the world (my part included), is still collected to be used for irrigation and cleaning.


Think about rain. What sorts of feelings/emotions does the feel, smell, and sound of rain give you? If you like, comment your answers on this post.

Namaste & Latcho Drom!